Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Creation Of LialilMarine and the history of Clara Chanykxpenak

The story about the creation of LialilMarine started 200 years ago, when a young woman named clara chanykxpenak was at her home sitting on a chair. Thinking that in the future, when the internet world comes, that she will go to outer space, into mars, and talk to the aliens and ask for their help to get access to the internet. And on that day, she had to stay in mars for 5 days and talk and work with the aliens, but it was deficult since all the aliens were saying were "beeeeeeeeeeep" and "meeeeeeeeeeeeeeep". So instead of talking, they decided to communicate in sign language,which was much easier for them. And after those 5 days of sleeping on rock and with ugly green creatures, Clara found a way to be able to access the internet on her computer. What she had to do was climb the empire state building and find a wire to connect to planet mars and to her computer. It took her  a week but she was able to achieve her quest! Afterwards she has been hearing on TV about how people create blogs on the internet on some mysterious thing called a website which is called, and since she had access to the internet on her computer,she went on it and pressed all the little buttons to spell and pressed again on the little buttons to create the template, the profile, the blogs and the name of her new blogspot. And thus, LialilMarine was born on to the world of the internet. :D

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